Have to fix the draft for release tonight. But, still stuck here, maybe what you need is a paragraph.

6 min readJul 3, 2022


Text | Ye Xiaoji

Writing is an extension of expression, speaking is the unfolding of ideas

I recently came across a book, “How to be an Interesting Speaker” by David Nihil, and after reading it, I had a feeling. Since writing is an extension of expression, the essay has to be valuable to the reader or entice the reader to click through and read it with interest. The article has to be interesting for people to want to read it, and the speech has to be interesting for people to want to talk to you.

In the book, the author mentions that he was originally an introvert who was not good at expressing himself, but participated in stand-up comedy and continued to practice, write, perform, video, replay, adjust, and perform again, eventually getting great responses and becoming a stand-up comedy celebrity.

The author shares his journey and experience along the way with the reader. Take the value of the experience from the book, extend it or cross over to writing or life, and judge whether it can be applied.

Become an interesting person before you become an interesting person in life. Put interesting ideas in your life and keep writing them in the document. It is a wonderful thing to write from different perspectives and viewpoints, to create different sparks, to depict the sky in different colors through the cross-border scenery, and to make people stop reading and taste.

On Mondays, when I read books related to writing, I am still sometimes unsure why the response to my written work is poor, what is wrong or what is missing.
It’s like when I enter a restaurant and order some food to eat, I always feel that I’m not satisfied with the food.

What writing is, writing valuable articles, before that, what writing is, is writing interesting words so that readers can read for fun. The fun or the value given between the words is the motivation or the path for the writer to move forward. Writing is a good thing, a good thing that you can continue to do, but also will let your thoughts, from the way to say, converted into the way to express the text, so whether it is possible, again from the way to express the text, with the output of the speech?

Why do I always feel that writing is missing something, because there is no crossover?

I remember that Luo Zhenyu once mentioned Joe Girard’s story. Joe Girard’s story. Joe Girard was a marketing expert who would always mention the words “I like you” in his letters to customers. But for us, it feels like it’s not very appropriate to say this to everyone, so Luo Zhenyu used a new term, I value you. This is in line with our scene and our social culture.

The crossover has to be modified before it can be applied, and the skills have to be learned before they can be used.

Recently in the email subscription through Jubai, in reading the letters written by the creators, we sometimes feel like we are talking with the creators and sharing interesting ideas. We receive letters that make us laugh or have passionate emotions, and in life, this adds a little spice to you and me.
The concept of having something to say and something of value to write is perhaps that.

If you have the assistance of another field, you can move forward, but it is different. After writing continuously for a while, I feel a difference in thinking and expression, and I keep moving forward in this direction, pushing forward a little at a time.

When writing is hard or uninspiring, and you want to keep putting it off, then maybe it’s not so fun for you.

For example, if we are swiping our phones or catching up on a TV show, if the video is on time, we are in position to watch it on time. Writing is like a movie in theaters, and we look forward to its performance, and the script is not too dull or boring.

Writing with a speech in mind gives a different kind of performance to the work.

For how to refine writing and speaking

After reading “How to become an interesting speaker”, there are 3 suggestions to try out.
1. use memos to record golden words and interesting paragraphs or things.
2. keep writing in code
3. speak and write, both with pauses.

1. Use memos to record golden sentences and interesting paragraphs or things.

Add a new memo to your phone, record the words or language you find funny or interesting, and build your database.

I used to add “my favorites” when I came across great websites, but then I would rarely open them again. Because these are some pages, you can not search, and if you record in words, using keywords to search, this can be useful.

Record the golden words or interesting paragraphs, plus #tag tags. After the accumulation of time, the database will become richer and richer. We can find inspiration for memory in the database.

The amount of words is the database for writers, and the details are the advanced ability for writers. In the database collection and ownership piece, what you can start immediately is to read, see good sentences, collect them, and add the source.

Whenever you think of something interesting or find something you find useful, make sure to write it down.

If you have a smartphone, you can write it down on an app like Impressions Notes, or you can bring a note pad and pen David Nihill

Discover the event, record the code word, keep it temporarily, and create a collection of inspiration. Writing is like a dish, you have to have the ingredients and the heart to make a good dish.

2. Continuous yard writing

The relationship between writing and reading is a husband and wife, the relationship between writing and speech is a brother.

Speech to have a manuscript, writing also has a draft, the same focus, speaking with words or speaking verbally, there is a feeling of 1 + 1 > 2 trend.

Say and write together, how you say, and will let you write, write, logical and material, say also more clear and reasonable, let people interesting. It is not necessary to meet you in order to chat, but you can share with you through words like saying good and interesting things recently or in the past.

Maybe we don’t use words to record our lives or write about them, but we do talk to our loved ones or family and friends and have great conversations.

Writing and speaking are skills that can be improved with practice, and there are classes for both. By combining writing and speaking together, you can collaborate on more interesting work or generate great ideas.

Get inspiration from different places, see the top TED experts’ speeches, may give you some inspiration, this book has attached the top 10 collection of the top experts’ speeches, interested in reference.

For example, we travel abroad, see the appearance of different cities, feel the different cultures, this is a great nutrient. So, cross over, look at different types of books, and the speech category is a great starting point.

No matter how little natural talent you have, honing your writing skills will help improve your public speaking skills. ___ David Nihill

3. Speak and write, both with pauses.

Talking at 2x speed may not be heard in a real-life scenario.

I don’t know, talk very fast like, no pause as if you didn’t have a sip of water, keep talking, should still be full of tired. As with watching TV, there are commercials that allow us to take a break and pause for a while while we watch a TV program, and so is speaking.

I have always had this problem, so I have also thought about how to make the speech can be paused, so that they and others can take a break, but often forget.

Later, I turned on the phone’s recording function and felt it was fast after playback. Sometimes when chatting, you will deliberately think about it, and then you will consciously pause, so that you can pause in your speech.

The same goes for writing. Don’t put all the paragraphs together, but break the line and add punctuation at the right place.

I used to write every sentence with a paragraph line, so I would pause too long, and I used to write too tight paragraphs, about 13 lines, but later I adjusted it to about 5–7 lines to become a paragraph.

The pause gives us some space to talk with the reader and allows your ideas to linger for a while in the sky and feel the whimsy.

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