5 min readAug 2, 2022

I was working on the presentation in the middle of the night, and I wanted to say, “OK, this is the final draft.

Article | Ye Xiaoji

Midnight PPT

When we were typing the presentation with our heads down, we buried our heads in seriousness to make the presentation requested by our superiors, and as the time passed, from day to night, we were eagerly typing in front of the computer to find data for the presentation.

At first, I wanted to make a great presentation, but when I looked up and saw the time, it was already 9:36 pm and I still hadn’t even come up with the framework of my presentation, I only found some data and hadn’t processed it yet.

After arranging the position of the slides again, the presentation is finally finished. Tomorrow’s meeting report should be fine.

When I look at the current time on my phone, it’s 2:34 in the morning. I looked up and saw that the sky outside the window was still dark, and there was no sound at night, so the feeling of the late night was so clear. I put down my glasses and rubbed my eyes, I think it’s time to go to sleep, I have to get up early later, and review the briefing before I leave home.

I wonder if you are still working on the PPT like me?
Presentations are one of the most common tools used in the workplace, or when learning to make reports. There are many templates that you can use for presentations, and each template seems to be good. However, sometimes I wonder if I’ve been trapped in my thinking by using other people’s design templates, and if the concepts I want to convey are also limited.

Ah, no matter, anyway, it was done in the past, now also follow this, it is right.
The newsletter is a platform for conveying information and a medium for expressing personal ideas. We process the information for our superiors or colleagues to see, and logic and layout are an important part of the process.

It’s a difficult thing to do when people can clearly know what you want to say.
Will the presentation that I worked hard to make in the middle of the night allow my superiors to understand the message I want to convey or the presentation they want?

Start reinventing your thinking

One day, I was looking at the book “Become a PPT master: Reinventing PPT skills from the beginning of thinking”, which focuses on the process and concept of making presentations. We use presentations to complete various

reports, but we don’t always know what to do to improve our presentation skills.
It is better to master ppt than to master your thinking, so that the scattered ideas, the wild ideas, through the page by page slide, set in this presentation, let people feel the creativity and ideas in the presentation, extraordinary.
I found the presentation interesting to think about, how to say, because each group has to enter each report, convey the message, each style, is each mode of expression.
What fascinates you so much, is it a technique or an indefinable feeling? A tool book gives you the skills to use it, another kind of book opens your eyes to another perspective. One tells you how to do it, the other tells you why you should do it.
Briefing and writing are really similar in one way; new files, all blank, and we sometimes dwell on the blank page, our thoughts trapped, not knowing how to get our hands on the words.
OK, the final draft is this.
I think this is a very satisfying phrase for presenters.
Briefing and writing are both long-term skills, and both require a long-term investment of time and effort to create a regular, regular output of work.
The last time I bought a presentation course, there were a lot of quick tips that you can apply in a short period of time that can immediately improve your

presentation and make it look better, and I have used some of them on my presentations and the results are good.

Reading the book “Become a PPT Master: Reinventing PPT Skills from a Thinking Perspective”, I felt that presentation skills are an important part of the process, but also the concept and production thinking are important. As in, production thinking is where you want to go, how you go is the range of tools you use, how you go determines how many tools you know there are to go there and determines your eyesight and experience.

If you have enough production briefs and read a large amount of books, it will be easier to have material to present, and each material needs new piles of columbarium to work.

Four scenes, your four seasons

PPT is a tool or a communication platform for you to speak up for yourself. You can brief your superiors on your project, review your work, share your experience with your colleagues, analyze your problems to your subordinates, and propose a stage plan to yourself.

These four scenarios can all be applied to PPT:
1. Reviewing the work content. 2.
2. Tell a summary of your experience.
3. Analyzing problems.
4. stage plan.

I used to think that a presentation was just a file to be delivered at work, and I didn’t think about its value or what kind of better information I could bring to the audience.

We can set four themes for our four seasons, one for each quarter, and at the end of the year, we can do a review of our work, write down our experience when we finish a project to summarize and review, and analyze the problems until you get into difficulties or when you want to get out of the wall, and write down a phase plan for ourselves at the New Year time.

Give yourself some homework, so that you can be creative. Like the photographers, they will go outdoors during the holidays, practice, produce and upload their work.

We will start to improve our thinking by creating, setting a stage for ourselves to exhibit, and through the stage performance, we will continue to hone our skills.

Maybe one day we will look forward to tomorrow’s briefing session from the inside.

This morning, I will open this presentation, press f5 to release the calibrations, and confirm it again for a briefing with my superiors later.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)