Money can’t give you security, ability can, don’t you agree?

5 min readMay 12, 2022


Article | Ye Xiao Jian

### Triggers

Recently, I received a notice of home isolation due to the seriousness of the epidemic, and after a week of home isolation, I have some feelings that I would like to share with you.

Because I am on unpaid leave, I have no job and no income, but I have expenses that will not stop, such as utility bills, internet bills, cell phone bills, etc. I always feel insecure and anxious.

During my stay at home, I read “The Twelve Laws of Life” ( by Jordan Peterson, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. L5BbmPyQPrjybo2eO1GvAmNJnlYxV0RyXZw8XDBK9qZpgkRELd75z4Ma6oDRrqjY)”, which states.

> ability to make a person feel safe to the greatest extent

This point of view, straight to my heart anxiety. The security I want may be the ability. Money doesn’t give you security, competence does.

It triggered me to think, what is competence? Or what kind of ability would give me security. Is it inner peace? Is it savings at the level I want? Or do I have the skills that matter?

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### Courage is so important

In the workplace, what we want is a quick fix or someone who will appreciate it, preferably someone who says you’re good at it. In school it is a kind of academic learning, in the workplace it is a long-term refinement of skills.

The workplace is a journey full of long hours and self-directed learning, and this productive time is so long that it can be very hard and uncomfortable. Maybe your time and focus is not just here, you have a lot of chores and it’s hard to have a block of time to learn.

On the way home, we always hope that the street lights will illuminate the ground on which we walk, illuminating our safety and telling us where to go. We are walking from youth to adulthood, and growing up is so complicated.

So we need some guidance, perhaps a guide to life, like the farmers of old, who would work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

But I seem to be standing at a crossroads of time and ability. I don’t see any signs to the left, right or forward, so I don’t know where to go. I need courage to choose uncertain intersections and directions, so who will give me courage?

The book “The Twelve Laws of Life” ( mentions that some beliefs, or some thoughts, allow us to face this difficult situation with courage. The book “The Twelve Rules of Life” () says: “Some beliefs, or some ideas, allow us to have something to follow in the face of this difficult time.

> The courage to move forward will both enable you to discover the shortcomings of the present and reveal the hope for the future. _________ Jordan Peterson

On this journey of upward mobility, we can feel hard. For example, you have to get up early to learn a skill, go to tutorials after work to further your education, etc. If you have a busy schedule and a lot of family chores, it can be overwhelming.

If it’s for a long period of time, 100 days, 1000 days or more, then we will lose the courage to face it.

If we lose the courage to go forward, then how will we have the ability to be free to go to better opportunities someday in the future?

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said this.

> We must accept disappointment because it is finite, but we must never give up hope because it is infinite.

We think of advancement as a verb, not a noun. And courage is a noun that allows us to redefine this upward mobility.

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### Clean your room first

Jordan Peterson has a point in this book that gives me a different perspective:.

> Clean your own room before you criticize the world.

Before we want to complain, let’s clean up our own rooms and put our environment in order. It’s like Bradley Cooper, the hero of the movie “Limitless (2011)” ( Before Bradley Cooper decided to change everything in his life, he first cleaned up his room and packed up his trash to get rid of it.

**Give yourself a fresh space so you can do things. **

Before you start.

#### first organize your environment and personal appearance

This process starts with organizing your room or office surroundings to make yourself feel clean and comfortable. Many of the goals are slogans that we can’t easily achieve.

So we do the easy things first, we will immediately get the satisfaction, which will effectively drive our next thinking and action.

I came across this article written by lcomplete “[🏅 5 Tips for Becoming a Great Programmer in the Workplace | Revue (]( _content=view_in_browser&utm_medium=email&utm_source=wild_architect)”, has 3 suggestions to add to my own experience to share with you.

#### You can make a to-do list to help you get your work done

There is not just one job, it is a combination of many small steps. We need a list to help us get the job done, for example, with, a cross-platform application that can be used to view work effectively.

List management is a very mature concept and application, but for us newbies, it is always something new, and only when you start using it, you will feel the improvement of work efficiency. The longer you use it, the more people will feel that your personal and work are reliable.

#### Continuous Learning Mindset

Read 30 minutes of workplace-related books every day, one after the other. When you feel that you have learned something, output a PPT to summarize and share. Write a proposal to improve the areas that you are not satisfied with. Use PDCA to establish a learning and practice cycle to optimize your work skills.

Record the mistakes you accidentally made at work in a spreadsheet and review the previous mistakes the next time you record them, so you can make the most of them.

#### Maintain an attitude of humility

Work as a team and collaborate to complete tasks. Very little is done alone, so there will be contact with others, whether it’s in the workflow or in the interaction of people.

Use the word “at the same time” to express your ideas, do not use “but” this is to deny the ideas of others, we are all here to work to earn money, why your ideas will be better than the more bull? So use gentle words to express their views, so that colleagues calmly accept your point of view.

At the same time, always keep the mindset of sharing with others, there is no idea that only you have. Teaching is the best learning, teaching will also let you hold an open-minded and humble attitude.

The security I want is the ability, although money can give me a sense of security in life, but can not give me a greater sense of security, the ability to do.
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